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23 May 2007

My Mother's Day Haul

since i can't exactly enter into the CM competition that i'm offering up a prize for, i thought that the next best thing is to share with you the gifts i received from my boys this mother's day here ... in my blog

the boys did WONDERFULLY this year!!! ...although i do suspect they had a bit of dad's help and gentle reminders of what exactly mommy would want. ds 8yo thinks that everyone should like pokemon and yugioh, and ofcourse slime and guts :P ... we've tried reasoning with him and telling him that it's just not the case... we go through this every single time there's a birthday or any other gift-giving occasion. whether it be girl or boy... man or woman... ds, when asked, will say, 'i think so and so would like to have a screaming death ninja mutant, complete with tank gun, monster breath, pokeballs, poison gas -i.e. farts-... and ofcourse don't forget about the boogers!!'

so ... dad took them to the store, and dad must have reminded them that mommy had been talking about wanting an herb garden. so... here you have mother's day haul :]

to the right there is the box which contained all the supplies i needed to make an herb garden.... a mini spade, 4 mini clay pots (which, as you can see, didn't get used), seeds for Basil, Parsley, Thyme, & Corriander... it also came with a very interesting how to book with all kinds of neat techniques that i'll probably never use.... then again.... who knows...

... if you look closely you will see my WIP in the box now....

~~to the person who can guess most closely what i am making, go the spoils (keep reading ;] )~~

here's my indoor herb garden. the best part of my mother's day was getting to do this project with the kids. they went outside and dug up all of the dirt while i prepared the self-watering garden (the tute for this i'll have to edit the link in for later... it was from one hour craft). then i went outside with the kids and helped them prepare the soil. i told them all about how the nutrients in the soil feeds the plants. which totally baffled them.... they couldn't believe that plants would actually 'EAT dirt!!!! .... ewwwwww!!!!!!', they said. to which i replied, 'they don't actually EAT it persay. more or less they ABSORB it, and USE it. but there are things that do EAT soil and dirt. earthworms live in the soil and they eat the soil, digest it and naturally dispose of it (alot like we do when we eat). the digestive system of an earthworm contributes 99% of nutrients in the earth's soil, and the rest comes from decaying things like dead plants and animals.' to this explanation, more "ewwwwwwwws" and "groooooooooosssssses" were heard. so i said to them, 'yes, but adding a few earthworms to our soil will be excellent for these herbs.' and i asked them to dig for some worms....

the great and wonderful thing about oppurtunities like this with your kids is that, they learn and they don't even know it!!!!! :]

and 3 days later... we have sprouts!!!!!!
now i just need a pestal and mortar :]


in the first picture, the one who more closely identifies the WIP inside will receive a prize! (sorry... CM contestants only). click on that WIP picture above to see more clearly. the prize you will be receiving is a close example of the necklace i made for my mum for mother's day, so i guess you can say that this post is all about mum's day! :]

hand-knotted hemp cord and black pony beads, with a kanji symbol (meaning 'friend') as the center pendant. actual knotted design measures 13 inches, with a total possible length of 20 inches.


  1. Hi Nik!! What a awesome gift from your it. I can SO relate to the "Everything" should be yugioh etc... the joys of boys!! hehe
    LOVE the choker..and can't help but want to enter the comp..My guess whould be a crazy patchwork bag. (by crazy..I mean not squares)
    Hope you have a goooood day!!:-)

  2. Are ya gonna give us any hints? hehe. I see fabric. Cut offs from your hubby's skateboard bag, so I am guessing a wallet or something?

  3. good eye shelli!!! i did use scraps from his bag :]

    and yes vi... not squares

  4. I love your herb garden! And the watering cans!! What a great present for a great mama!

    My guess was...a backpack?

    Have fun eating those herbs!

  5. Thank you SO MUCH Nik!! I LOVE the hemp cord looks awesome!!

  6. you're welcome vi!!
    i am working on that goat-y thing ;]


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